Wednesday, 16 May 2012

How to seduce your Girlfriend?

If you really want to learn how to seduce your girlfriend, a number of steps you can take to achieve your goal.
If you are wondering, “How to seduce your girlfriend,” Here are five easy steps:
# If you want to learn how to seduce your girlfriend, start by touching her playful and loving more frequently. Keys can be very innocent – in the knee, shoulder, her hair. Touching another person releases a natural chemical in the skin that brings warm and comfortable feeling of your body. Even casual touch can go a long way to enlightenment. So get to it (literally) and let them know that you have feelings of affection toward her.
# Register your e-mail with a love poem from time to time. Sometimes a casual, surprise-mail will do wonders in terms of awakening desire. You may find you are pleasantly surprised by his gesture. Keep your communications brief and informal level, nothing too heavy or serious, and not write too much as it could disturb.
# If someone flirts with you throughout the course of your day, let your girlfriend know what happened. You are not trying to make her angry. Just treat the incident as it was cute and flirt who felt flattered, but make sure your girlfriend that you have eyes for her. Jealousy, when playing in the right direction, can be a turn on.
# Treat your girlfriend like a princess. One of the easiest ways to do is show that you care by celebrating special days like your birthday. But better yet, to celebrate the little things, like looking at a particularly interesting or is that your hair or makeup a certain way. Point out how it looks and how it is attractive.
# If you are having trouble getting over that last hurdle – as if it is almost ready to seduce, but then reverses for no apparent reason – you need to start an open dialogue about sex with his girlfriend. Remember that you can have a hanging or two you can help them overcome through speech. Apart from the touch, visual stimulation, and smell, dialogue can be (believe it or not) very exciting. Once you have cleared the air on any hang-ups of your girlfriend can have sex with you, so subtle that the conversation in a more sexy. Ask him about his turn-ons – What do you want? What you fantasize?

1 comment:

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